torsdag den 25. november 2010

Smoking Stop - Menthol Cigarette Smokers Find It Much Harder To Give Up

People who smoke menthol flavored cigarettes, known as menthols, have a much higher level of addiction than non-menthol smokers, and consequently find it more difficult to stop smoking, according to a Supplement in the medical journal Addiction. Menthols in the USA are popular among African-Americans and young adults...

fredag den 19. november 2010

Stop Smoking - Chemicals In Cigarette Smoke, Auto Exhaust And French Fries Accelerate The Development Of Alzheimer's Disease

There is growing evidence that exposure to a group of chemicals known as type-2 alkenes -- which are found in the smoke inhaled from cigarettes, the exhaust of automobiles and even in French fries - can increase the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease and other neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease...

søndag den 7. november 2010

Smoking Stop - Adult Smoking Ranges From 25.6% In Kentucky To 9.8% In Utah, Usa

Adult smoking rates in the USA vary greatly according to state, with West Virginia and Kentucky at 25.6% to Washington at 14.9%, California at 12.9%, and Utah at 9.8%. In none of the US states and territories was smoking prevalence higher among adult females than males...

mandag den 1. november 2010

Smoking Stop - Specialized Interventions Help Latinos Stop Smoking

Latinos who live the United States are more likely to stop smoking when they take part in an intervention program, finds a systematic review of studies conducted by Monica Webb Hooper, Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of Miami. According to U.S. Census data, Latinos are the largest, fastest growing minority population in the country...