lørdag den 19. marts 2011

Stop Smoking - Tobacco Companies Cry Wolf: Chancellor Urged Not To Cave Into Industry Threats Over Smuggling, Uk

A submission to the Treasury in advance of next week's Budget by ASH and the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies (UKCTCS) endorsed by 68 health organisations has urged the government to stick to its principles and increase taxation on tobacco well above inflation...

søndag den 13. marts 2011

Stop Smoking - Emphysema Found In Blood May Help You Stop Smoking

Okay, so you smoke cigarettes in a regular basis with no plans to stop. Lung cancer and respiratory ailments could be looming, but how do you know? A new blood test is being developed that detects the early development of emphysema well before symptoms occur and provide some form of peace of mind...

mandag den 7. marts 2011

Stop Smoking - Eat Smoke Free In Los Angeles Starting Next Week

The battle rages on between smoking and public wellness organizations in the United States, and particularly in Los Angeles, the home of sun, diet and exercise. Next week, smoking within 10 feet of outdoor dining areas, including food courts, as well as within 40 feet of food kiosks, food carts, and mobile food trucks in the City of Los Angeles will be frowned upon...

tirsdag den 1. marts 2011

Stop Smoking - Tobacco Industry Sues Fda On Proposed Menthol Cigarette Ban

Lorillard Inc and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co have filed a lawsuit against the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) saying there were conflicts of interest and bias among members of an advisory panel which may recommend banning menthol cigarettes. The FDA advisory panel's recommendations are not binding, however the agency usually goes along with its advice...